It is categorically prohibited to import local currency into Albania. As for foreign currency one can import it without limits. It is permitted to export up to 5 thousand dollars or the sum that was declared in the entry customs declaration.
One person can import duty-free fifty cigars, two hundred cigarettes, two hundred and fifty grams of tobacco, up to 1 litre of strong alcoholic beverages, up to two litres of wine, up to twenty hundred and fifty millilitres of toilet water and up to fifty millilitres of perfume.
It is strictly prohibited to import drugs, pornographic materials, firearms and ammunition. Under a special permission one can import antiques, historical books, folk costumes possessing artistic value, precious metals and pieces of art.
The regulations impose a veto over export of antiquities including stones found during archaeological excavations, but it is permitted to export free of duty copies of antique pieces of art being sold everywhere.
Export of local currency is also prohibited.