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With a dog to Albania


Albania is Non-EU country, but bordering country, and requirements are very similar to EU. The country develops tourism, including traveling with dogs or cats. There are special Regulations and Pet Passport requirements to enter the country.

If your pets meet the following requirements, Albania does not quarantine them. All requirements are also valid for service and emotional support animals.

Your pet must be microchipped first to enter Albania. The chip should be compliant with an ISO 11784/11785 - a15 digit pet microchip. If your pet's microchip is not ISO compliant, you can bring your own microchip scanner.

For pets entering Albania from a rabies-free or rabies-controlled country, your pet must be vaccinated for rabies minimum 30 days prior to entry and  before the expiration date of the vaccine. If your pet has been vaccinated before microchipping, it will have to be vaccinated again after microchipping, and wait 21 days before entering Albania.

Rabies Titer Test
A rabies titer test is not required for pets entering Albania from any country.

Health Certificate
Within 10 days of travel, an accredited veterinarian must issue the bi-lingual health certificate for Albania for endorsement by the USDA or CFIA if traveling from the United States or Canada. If you are not traveling from either of these countries, endorsement is not required unless your country requires it. An EU Pet Passport cannot be used instead of health certificate.

Import Permit
An import permit is not required when entering Albania with a personal pet.

Ticks and Tapeworm Treatment
A ticks and tapeworm treatment is not a mandatory required before to entering Albania, but is recommended.

Banned Breeds
Albania does not publish a list of banned breeds.

Travelling to Albania by Air

Pets should enter Albania at the Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza. All domestic dogs and cats should be evidently healthy when entering Albania. If your pet does not look like that, further examination by a licensed veterinarian may be required at your expense.
Travelling to Albania by Car

Entering Albania by car the same rules are applied as by airplane.
Albania is a mountainous country, so safety measures are of primary importance to to stay safe for dogs and passengers. The great part of car accidents occur due to distracted driving caused by pets. Especially, if this is an unknown for travellers curvy road. We advise to take necessary measures in advance and to equip a car with Car Accessories for Dogs.


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