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Route calculation

Useful information about Albania



All the tips (10% of the price) and other appreciating fees are better to be left after the service is done and you are sure of the quality of it. Nevertheless that doesn’t mean that you should not leave any tips at all: the most Albanians get such low wages that the tips is the only way to get something for living.

Tips should not be left on the restaurant tables, if you are eager to appreciate the service done by the waiter, just give the tips directly to the person. In taxi you can just round the fee up.


useful information


Do not forget about pick-pockets, it is very important on the public transport and in the crowded places. It is worth of paying attention to that the crime is not at the lowest level comparing with other European countries. So it is better not to demonstrate passports, currency, expensive devices – that will cause additional interest from the side of local criminals.

You will come across a lot of suspicious persons who will suggest you that you should by something from the at a very attractive rate – purses, “swiss” watches, glasses, cell-phones, photo cameras. Don’t pay any attention to that, almost all of this stuff is stolen or faked.



Wall sockets are of European standard. The voltage of the electric network is 220 volt, frequency is equal to 50 Hz. Sometimes there are time intervals with no electricity in the period between November and April when there are almost no tourists in the country. That is a usual phenomenon in Albania.


There are no strict smoking prohibitions in Albania, also in the public places. If you come across the place where smoking is forbidden , then you will see a sign saying «Ndalohetpirja e duhanit» or «Ndalohet Duhani». In hotels or places of interest you can come across a usual sign «No smoking», that also means that the smoking is prohibited within this or that particular place.


Remember! Women must not tan topless on the beach. That can cause a lot of unpleasant troubles: you are likely to be fined. You can be also the object of locals’ aggression.


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